Applications are invited from eligible Retired Scientists / Professors for the post of Consultants in our EU-FP7 project INDO-MARECLIM for a duration of three person months each under the following Disciplines.
Retired Scientists/ Professors of Indian origin in the above disciplines having proven track record of implementation of similar projects.
Those who have post graduate degree in Marine Biology/ Physical Oceanography with sufficient experience in working with Governmental or Non Governmental Institutions based in Cochin are eligible to apply.
Desirable: Doctoral degree in the related field
Should be familiar with primary productivity studies, in-situ data and satellite remote-sensing and various aspects of Coastal Zone Management
Build up a network with other Indian and International institutions working in the above related field.
Consolidated pay of Rs.1,80,000/- for 3 months period of work with NERCI.
The work time of 3 person months can be spread over during the period April 2014 to January 2015 . The selected Consultant should spend atleast one day per week at our centre.
To apply for the position, please forward, by March 10, 2014, cover letter and Bio-data with your resume including list of publications, experience in the implementation of international and national projects and list of two references to The Co-ordinator, INDO-MARECLIM project, Nansen Environmental Research Centre (India), at the e-mail ID